Friday, 18 March 2016

A Frosty Day Indeed

It's been unusually warm for this time of year, certainly here in the depths of Middle England at any rate. While I feel the cold dreadfully and under normal circumstances love nothing better than a good excuse to stay inside and snuggle under warm, woolly blankets, even I have felt rather cheated by the distinct lack of a bit of ground frost this winter.

So it was with a cheery heart that I awoke one morning back in January to this gloriousness...

These tiny spikes totally covered every single branch, leaf and blade of grass. Just amazing.

Cobwebs: Mother Nature's bunting!

This is one of my Japanese Maple trees, although you'd be forgiven for thinking it was a gorse bush, there are so many 'spikes' adorning its branches. 

The air was so cold yet so dry that all these incredible, spiky ice crystals formed on absolutely everything in sight. These photos were taken just before I went to pick the kids up from school, at about 2:45pm, yet it still looks like it's first thing in the morning, it was that cold. For 24 hours our village was transformed into Arendelle after Elsa discovers the extent of her icy powers (if you're not familiar with the film "Frozen" that won't mean much to ya, sorry).

I have now experienced a true Winter Wonderland, where good old Mother Nature sprinkled her magic and gave us mere mortals a proper display of how truly beautiful the seasons can be. Just glorious.

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